HAPPY EATING: Mindful eating.

Day 23 of 30

Eating is such a natural thing we do, and often we do it on autopilot without actually tasting it. Some of us sit down, watch T.V. and don’t really take notice of what we are eating.

Before I start, I’m so sorry about not having posts uploaded for the past 2 days. My WiFi was getting repaired and the database wasn’t working to upload anything to the internet. But don’t worry; I still wrote them both days, they just didn’t upload. (See Happy Eating: Coming off sugar and Happy Eating: Water)

These is how I bring mindfulness into my cooking and eating:
– A play chilled music as I prepare the meal.
– When I sit down to eat, I minimise distractions and make myself comfortable.
– I breathe in the meal, and notice the colours and shapes of the ingredients.
– I pick up my cutlery, and slowly take a piece of the food. I notice the texture, taste, spice and flavours from different ingredients.
– Afterwards, I have a moment of gratitude, thinking of how fortunate I am to be able to prepare and eat that meal.

“Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.”

zd xx

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